Medical Qigong Integration of Breath (Utah)

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Medical Qigong Integration of Breath (Utah)

Friday, February 21st, 2020 9am-5pm

Advanced General Protocol and Intro to 13 Gates (prereq P1)


Saturday, February 22nd, 2020 9am-5pm

Medical Qigong and Integration of Breath


While the effects of food and drink normally take hours to days to become apparent, proper or improper breathing take effect in seconds to produce a change. The conscious use of breathing is one of the most powerful tools a student of Qigong has available. Recent scientific research confirms the link between the physical body, the breath and the mind. By controlling the pace and quality of breath, respiratory exercises offer a means for the mind’s intention to effect deep changes in the body’s physiological functions.

Join Dr. Tony for this deep look at how breath work can transform your physical, mental and spiritual practice and take your training to a whole new level.


Cost of seminar is $249 for one day and $395 for both days

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